The activity where everyone starts in one single file line, situations are read and you chose to move right or left based on your experiences or beliefs. Our particular spectrum ranged from to the wall Panic, with extreme confidence perhaps confused by arrogance at the other end of the room.
The scenarios related to us as new members of the ASB faculty and gauged our feelings toward our new job, the school, the transition we are currently experiencing, and ASBs role in assisting us thus far.
At one point, he asked us to consider the following and move accordingly: Knowing that school starts in just 5 school days, and what you have done in your rooms thus far (nothing but snoop in boxes for myself) and what you have yet to do, how do you feel thinking about this reality? (Reminder, to the left is extreme arrogance and comfort, to the right is to the wall panic.)
Knowing this is my FIRST year teaching... my FIRST FIRST day of school one week away. My FIRST set of students entirely to myself, my FIRST classroom to set up (though sharing it will be a blessing with assistance in arranging etc)..... If I were anywhere but ASB, I am confident I
would have been to the wall panic. Just weeks ago I was there simply imagining this overwhelming looming responsibility and task ahead of me. ASB is an intimidating school. It's filled with the best and the brightest- students AND teachers (AND support staff I have quickly learned).
If I were anywhere else right now. I would be to the wall panic. But I have been reminded countless times that I am here for a very specific reason, that I fit here, and that I am fully capable of the job in front of me-and capable of carrying it out with optimism and fun.
If I were anywhere else I'd be panicking, but al humdilellah, I'm at ASB... and I took several large steps to the left. to comfort. certainly not enough confidence to be mistaken as arrogance. but a big shift to the left nonetheless.
Next Blog: More Pictures, Less Text, Promise.. I'm taking Copernicus out with me tomorrow.
Blessed Beyond Belief,
ps... Today is (will be in Iowa) my brother's 21st Birthday... And as per tradition started last year, I must announce this via blog post since I always go and run away from the country right before I'm able to celebrate. The family is going to the Hessenhaus tonight in DSM (I think)... Wishing him all the best... Cheers Tom, love and hugs from India!
You are where you are meant to be, my dear! :) So proud of you! Can't wait to read more updates! Felicidades y buena suerte con todo!